The role of the African diaspora in conflicts




  • Migration and Forced Displacement

The question of the migration and integration of groups of migrants in Germany is not only the subject of discussion in the media and in public but also in the scientific debate. This discussion no longer focuses solely on the migrants' opportunities for integration. It also deals with the question of the role members of the diaspora play in their countries of exile in the political development of their home countries. In particular: Do they serve to exacerbate conflicts from afar or contribute to settling crises? A BICC concept paper on the "The Role of the African Diaspora in the Conflict Process", commissioned by the Ministry for Generations, Family, Women and Integration (MGFFI) of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), has studied this issue. 

Project Leader

  • Dr. Volker Franke

Project Team

  • Andrea Warnecke
  • Julie Brethfeld


  • Ministry for Generations, Family, Women and Integration (MGFFI) of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)

Duration of project

until 2007


bicc Annual report

Annual Report 2007

bicc , Bonn (2007)

bicc Working paper

Warnecke, A., & Brethfeld, J., & Franke, V.

Agents of peace or agents of war? The role of the African diaspora in conflict processes

BICC , Bonn (2007)
