Expert Group on Arms Exports

bicc has been involved in the Expert Group on Arms Exports of the Conference Church and Development (GKKE) for many years. Since 2012, a bicc researcher has (co-)chaired the expert group.   

As the joint voice of the two main churches in Germany, the GKKE aims to give political weight to the idea that the world is one. It engages in dialogue with parliament, government and social interest groups in Germany on issues of North–South cooperation and development policy. Based on the expertise of the Arms Expert Group, the GKKE actively advocates for a restrictive German arms export policy. In its annual Arms Exports Report, the GKKE critically comments on German export policy and makes suggestions for improving the export control system. With its expertise in the field of arms exports, bicc provides significant input to this report. 

Project team

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Dr Max Mutschler

Senior Researcher


Project partners

Gemeinsame Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung

Joint Conference Church and Development

funded by

Gemeinsame Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung

Joint Conference Church and Development

Duration of project

Ongoing since 2012