Privacy Policy

This is a courtesy translation. Only the German version is legally binding.

We are very delighted that you have shown interest in our institute. Data protection is of a particularly high priority for the management of the bicc.
Use of the bicc website is generally possible without providing any personal data. However, if a data subject wishes to make use of special services of our institute via our website, it may be necessary to process personal data. If the processing of personal data is necessary and there is no legal basis for such processing, we generally obtain the consent of the data subject.
The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number of a data subject shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to the bicc. By means of this data protection declaration, our institute would like to inform the public about the type, scope and purpose of the personal data we collect, use and process. Furthermore, data subjects are informed of their rights by means of this privacy policy.
As the controller, the bicc has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. Nevertheless, Internet-based data transmissions can generally have security gaps, so absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, every data subject is free to transmit personal data to us by alternative means, for example by telephone.

In the following, we provide information about the collection of personal data when using our above-mentioned websites. Personal data is all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses, user behavior. 


This data protection notice applies to the following websites:

The data protection information for our social media presences

can be found here: Data protection information Social media presences

In the following, we provide information about the collection of personal data when using our above-mentioned websites. Personal data is all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses, user behavior.

Table of Contents

Responsible Office

Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (bicc) gGmbH 

Pfarrer-Byns-Straße 1 
53121 Bonn, Deutschland 

Tel.: +49-228-91196-0 

Data Protection Officer

Althammer & Kill GmbH & Co. KG 

Roscherstraße 7 
30161 Hannover 


Informational Use

For the informational use of our websites, we only collect the personal data that your browser automatically transmits to us, such as 

  • IP address 
  • Date and time of the request 
  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 
  • Content of the request (specific page) 
  • the amount of data transferred and the access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.) 
  • Website from which the request originates 
  • Browser type / version / language 
  • Operating system and its interface 
  • Language and version of your browser. 

Storage duration: 

The storage period for this data (logs) is 45 days.  

Legal basis(s) for data processing:

The above-mentioned data is technically necessary to display our websites to you and to ensure stability and security, pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

Contact us by E-Mail, Post, Telephone or Contact Form (Feedback)

When you contact us, the data you provide (e.g. your name, your e-mail address, your telephone number if applicable and your message) will be stored by us in order to answer your inquiry. 

When you contact us using the contact form, the following personal data is also stored for technical reasons: IP address and the date and time of your message. 

Storage period: 

We delete the data arising in this context after storage is no longer necessary or restrict processing if there are statutory retention obligations (max. ten years as part of the archiving of business e-mail traffic required under commercial and tax law).  

Legal basis(s) for data processing: 

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in responding to inquiries that you have sent us. If your request is aimed at concluding a contract, Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b) GDPR serves as an additional legal basis. There is also a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR to process personal data during the sending process in order to protect the contact form and our information technology systems. 


We process the data that you have sent us in connection with your application in order to check your suitability for the position (or any other open positions) and to carry out the application process. 

Your application will be reviewed by the HR department upon receipt. Suitable applications will then be forwarded to the person responsible for the vacant or suitable position. The next steps are then agreed. Throughout the company, only those persons have access to your data who need it for the proper conduct of our application process. 

Storage period: 

Applicant data will be deleted after 6 months in the event of a rejection. 

In the event that you have consented to further storage of your personal data, we will include your data in our applicant pool. There the data will be deleted after 2 years. 

If you have been accepted for a position as part of the application process, your data will be transferred to our personnel information system. 

Legal basis(s) for data processing: 

The processing of your data as part of the application process is permissible for the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship, in accordance with § 26 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG n.F.). 

Should the data be required for legal prosecution after completion of the application process, data processing may be carried out to safeguard legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our interest then lies in the assertion of or defense against claims. 

Registration for and Organization of Events

When registering for events via one of our websites, we offer you the opportunity to register using a form. As part of the online registration for the events offered by us, we process your personal data to process the event registration. 

In addition, we process your personal data in the context of direct marketing on the basis of our legitimate interest in order to draw your attention to further events of our organization and interesting specialist topics. You can object to this processing at any time. 

Recordings (photos, videos, etc.) are made at our events, which are used for our homepage, our social media presence and print products. We will inform you when you register for the event that recordings will be made. If you do not wish this to happen, please contact the photographer or our event management team at the event. After the event, you can object to the use of the recordings at any time without giving reasons. Your photos will then be deleted or made unrecognizable. 

To make registration as easy as possible, an electronic registration form is provided via Microsoft Forms. 

This personal data is processed: 

  • First name, surname 
  • e-mail address 
  • Organization/institution, if applicable 
  • If applicable, other data provided by you in the comment field 

Within our organization, only those persons, bodies and service providers will receive your personal data who need it to fulfil our services and legal obligations. 

When using this Microsoft Forms service, it is possible that Microsoft Corporation will transmit your personal data to servers in the USA as part of data processing. As a processor, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA, has access to your data. Please note that Microsoft Corporation receives personal data that is also processed on servers in the USA. You can view the current privacy policy here:   

Storage period: 

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. In addition, recordings are only stored until the data subject objects to their use and storage. Further storage may take place in individual cases if this is required by law. 

Legal basis(s) for data processing: 

The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR if the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract between the data subject and our organization. In addition, there is a legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR) in organizing the registration for events in a structured manner, providing a simple way of registration and also documenting and publishing the events with the help of recordings. 

Newsletter Registration

You can subscribe to free newsletters on our websites. When you register for the newsletter, the personal data from the input screen is transmitted to us. The purpose of the processing in the context of sending the newsletter is to keep you up to date on our current topics, projects and events. 

For our general newsletter, we use the marketing automation solutions from

NEWSTROLL - email marketing software
Maustäle 18
72793 Pfullingen
Pfullingen, Germany

These allow us to track the activity of our newsletter subscribers in the newsletter. BICC newsletters contain so-called tracking pixels. A tracking pixel is a miniature graphic that is embedded in e-mails sent in HTML format to enable log file recording and analysis. This allows a statistical evaluation of the success or failure of online marketing campaigns to be carried out. Based on the embedded tracking pixel, the BICC may see if and when an e-mail was opened by a data subject, and which links in the e-mail were called up by data subjects. Such personal data collected via the tracking pixels contained in the newsletters are stored and evaluated by the controller in order to optimize the newsletter dispatch and to adapt the content of future newsletters even better to the interests of the data subject. This personal data is not passed on to third parties. Data subjects are entitled at any time to revoke the separate declaration of consent given in this regard via the double opt-in procedure. After revocation, this personal data will be deleted by the controller. The BICC automatically regards a withdrawal from the receipt of the newsletter as a revocation.   

The following personal data is mandatory for subscribing to the newsletter 

  • E-mail address 
  • IP address of the accessing computer 
  • Date and time of registration 

In addition, you can voluntarily provide us with the following additional information to enable us to address you personally in the newsletter: 

  • Name, if applicable 
  • Organization, if applicable 

Storage period: 

Your personal data will only be stored as part of the newsletter until you deactivate the newsletter. After deactivation, your e-mail address will be deleted. Further storage may take place in individual cases if this is required by law or is necessary to fulfill a contractual obligation incumbent on the controller. 

Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of personal data in the context of the newsletter is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR. 

We use the so-called double opt-in procedure for sending the newsletter. This means that we will only send you the newsletter after you have confirmed your registration via a link. You will receive this link in a separate confirmation email. This is to ensure that you do not receive any unwanted newsletters from us. You must confirm your registration within 30 days of receiving the confirmation e-mail. Otherwise we will automatically delete your newsletter registration from our database.  

You can revoke your consent to the general newsletter at any time with effect for the future either by sending an informal e-mail or via the link at the end of the newsletter. 

Direct Marketing

We process your personal data in the context of direct marketing via e-mail and post on the basis of our legitimate interest in drawing your attention to further events of our organization and interesting specialist topics. You can object to this processing at any time. 

Storage period: 

Your personal data will be stored until the purpose of the processing has been achieved. You have the option to object to the processing of your personal data at any time. We will delete your personal data as soon as you withdraw your consent or object to the processing of your personal data. In addition, a statutory retention period may prevent deletion. 

Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in the context of direct marketing is our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. You can withdraw your consent either by sending an informal email or via the link at the end of the advertising email.

Use of Cookies, Third-Party Services and Web Analysis Tools

We use cookies, third-party services and web analysis tools for our websites. Cookies are small text files that are sent to your browser by our web server when you visit our website and are stored on your computer for later retrieval. They are used to make the website more user-friendly and effective overall. 

Details on the cookies, third-party services and web analysis tools used can be found in the cookie banner. You can also reject the technically unnecessary services there or give your consent. 

Processing of your Personal Data in Countries outside the EU and the EEA (Third Countries)

Your personal data will not be processed in countries outside the European Union and the European Economic Area, with the exception of the cases mentioned in this data protection notice and in the cookie banner. 

Rights of Data Subjects

The GDPR gives you the following rights as a person affected by the processing of personal data: 

  • In accordance with Art. 15 GDPR, you can request information about your personal data processed by us. In particular, you can request information about the purposes of processing, the categories of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your personal data has been or will be disclosed, the planned storage period, the existence of a right to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing or objection, the existence of a right of appeal, the origin of your data if it was not collected by us, about a transfer to third countries or to international organizations and about the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, if applicable, meaningful information about its details. 
  • In accordance with Art. 16 GDPR, you may request the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you or the completion of your personal data stored by us without undue delay. 
  • In accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, you can request the deletion of your personal data stored by us, unless the processing is necessary to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, to fulfill a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. 
  • In accordance with Art. 18 GDPR, you may request the restriction of the processing of your personal data if the accuracy of the data is disputed by you, the processing is unlawful, we no longer need the data and you refuse to delete it because you need it to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. You also have the right under Art. 18 GDPR if you have objected to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR. 
  • In accordance with Art. 20 GDPR, you can request to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or you can request that it be transferred to another controller. 
  • If your personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR, provided that there are reasons for this arising from your particular situation or the objection is directed against direct advertising. In the case of direct marketing, you have a general right to object, which we will implement without you having to specify a particular situation. 
  • In accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR, you can revoke your consent to us at any time. As a result, we may no longer continue the data processing based on this consent in the future. 
  • In accordance with Art. 77 GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. As a rule, you can contact the supervisory authority of your usual place of residence, your workplace or our company headquarters. 

Data Security

We use technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data that is generated or collected, in particular against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or attack by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments. 

The transmission of your personal data is encrypted using SSL technology (https) to prevent access by unauthorized third parties. 

Communication by E-Mail

Our e-mail systems support encrypted communication using SSL technology (TLS 1.2 incl. PFS). The transmission of your e-mail can therefore always be encrypted. Please note, however, that encryption also depends on the configuration of your e-mail program and that we cannot therefore guarantee complete data security for the transport route. 

For information requiring a high level of confidentiality, we recommend that you send it by post. 

Data protection provisions about the application and use of Matomo 

The data controller has integrated the Matomo component on this website. Matomo is an open source software tool for web analysis. Web analysis is the collection, gathering and evaluation of data about the behavior of visitors to websites. Among other things, a web analysis tool collects data on the website from which a data subject came to a website (so-called referrer), which subpages of the website were accessed or how often and for how long a subpage was viewed. Web analysis is mainly used to optimize a website and for the cost-benefit analysis of Internet advertising. The software is operated on the server of the controller and the log files, which are sensitive under data protection law, are stored exclusively on this server. The purpose of the Matomo component is to analyze the flow of visitors to our website. The controller uses the data and information obtained, among other things, to evaluate the use of this website in order to compile online reports that show the activities on our website. Matomo places a cookie on the data subject's IT system.

What cookies are has already been explained above. By setting the cookie, we are able to analyze the use of our website. Each time one of the individual pages of this website is accessed, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted by the Matomo component to transmit data to our server for the purpose of online analysis. As part of this technical process, we obtain knowledge of personal data, such as the IP address of the data subject, which serves us, among other things, to trace the origin of visitors and clicks. Cookies are used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which access was made and the frequency of visits to our website. Each time you visit our website, this personal data, including the IP address of the Internet connection used by the data subject, is transmitted to our server. This personal data is stored by us.

We do not pass this personal data on to third parties. The data subject may, as stated above, prevent the setting of cookies through our website at any time by means of a corresponding adjustment of the web browser used and thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent Matomo from setting a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by Matomo can be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs.

Furthermore, the data subject has the option of objecting to and preventing the collection of data generated by Matomo relating to the use of this website. To do this, the data subject must set "Do Not Track" in their browser. By setting the opt-out cookie, however, it is possible that the data subject will no longer be able to use the controller's website to its full extent. Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Matomo may be retrieved under