Preventing Islamism

The Scientific Advisory Board of the Interministerial Working Group (IMAG) provides scientific knowledge on societal phenomena and current developments in relation to the prevention of radicalisation and advises in acute crises. The Ministry of the Interior (IM) and the Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees and Integration (MKJFGFI) in North Rhine-Westphalia founded the Scientific Advisory Board in 2022.

With the chairmanship by Conrad Schetter (2022-2024), bicc took over the coordination of the work of the Board. Appointed to the Board are ten academics who conduct research on topics related to Islamism, including Islamist currents, Islamic religious education, antisemitism, prevention of radicalisation and psychosocial stress in migrant families. 

The members advise the IMAG both content-wise and strategically. In addition, they contribute to the IMAG reports and are involved in the sub-working groups focussing on toicps like digitalisation, antisemitism, digitalisation, refugees and psychosocial care, as well as networking.

Carina Yıldırım-Schlüsing



Professor Dr Conrad Schetter



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