
Making a living in rural Sudan.

  • Elke  Grawert

Release Date



  • English


Food Production of Women, Labour Migration of Men, and Policies for Peasants' Need.
This book was first published in Basingstoke/London/New York by MacMillan Press / St. Martin's Press in 1998. The rights have been reverted to the author, Elke Grawert, in 2007. Reproduction, copy of transmission of this publication may be made if author and source is quoted according to academic standards. 

The Darfur crisis has brought Sudan back to public attention since the outbreak of violence in 2003. This book provides insights in the causes of the current conflict through the lens of a thorough analysis of livelihood systems in rural Darfur and their dynamics under conditions of drought, economic crisis, the war between Chad and Libya, and subsequent political unrest during the 1980s.
The analysis brings to light the efforts, constraints and the flexibility the rural population displayed in order to make a living. Based on this insight, policies which might meet peasants' needs are contrasted with the real policies that affected the Sudanese rural population between Independence and 1994. According to this historical analysis, the crisis of the early 2000s has to be regarded as an outcome of the long-term marginalization of the Darfurian population by changing governments that were, however, all dominated by an elite with a power base in central riverine Sudan. The policies for peasants' needs developed in this book on the basis of rural livelihood systems remain crucial to reach lasting peace in Darfur.


Chapter 1 Introduction & Chapter 2 Methodology

Chapter 3 Peasant Livelihood: Options and Constraints

Chapter 4 Impact of Food Insecurity on Peasant Livelihood

Chapter 5 Women’s Role in Securing Peasant Livelihood

Chapter 6 Labour Migration: An Option for Peasant Livelihood?

Chapter 7 Particulars on Peasants, Food Security, Gender Relations and Labour,Migration: Pillars of the Livelihood Approach

Chapter 8 Policies in Sudan and Peasant Livelihood: Correspondences and  Contradictions & Appendix and References


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@book{Grawert2012, author = "Elke Grawert", title = "Making a living in rural Sudan.", latexTitle = "Making a living in rural Sudan.", publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan", institution = "Palgrave Macmillan", type = "Book", year = "2012", isbn = "978-0333717271", address = "Basingstoke", }




Palgrave Macmillan






Sudan , South Sudan