
520 search results of „chad“

  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_f.pdf   (3.8 MB)

    brief 46 À la recherche de lor propre lexploitation artisanale de lor au Pérou et en RD Congo BICC brief 46DEU1U4FRwsindd 3 300812 1626 Table des matières Tableau des abréviations 4 Sommaire 5 Introduction 6 Remerciements 7 1 Lexploitation artisanale de lor marché mondial perspectives quant aux problèmes et approches de gouvernance 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 Le marché mondial de lor 12 Les mineurs artisanaux une définition difficile et des problèmes comp...
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  • [PDF Document] brief11.pdf   (474.36 KB)

    brief 11 Reasonable Measures Addressing the Excessive Accumulation and Unlawful Use of Small Arms august 98 BICC 1 brief 11 Contents Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Executive summary 6 Introduction 8 Identifying the Issues 11 Trade 11 Existing circulation and surplus stocks 11 Unlawful use and civilian possession of militarystyle weapons 12 The Scope of Current Efforts 13 The United Nations context 13 Regional initiatives 15 The Wassenaar Arrangement 16 Nongovernment...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_V_06_10.pdf   (743.59 KB)

    Revenue transparency to mitigate the resource curse in the Niger Delta Potential and reality of NEITI Occasional Paper June 2010 Occasional Paper V Revenue transparency to mitigate the resource curse in the Niger Delta Potential and reality of NEITI Marie Müller BICC June 2010 The responsibility for contents and views expressed in this Occasional Paper lies entirely with the author INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION BICC GMBH Geschäftsführer Pete...
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  • [PDF Document] brief11.pdf   (474.36 KB)

    brief 11 Reasonable Measures Addressing the Excessive Accumulation and Unlawful Use of Small Arms august 98 BICC 1 brief 11 Contents Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Executive summary 6 Introduction 8 Identifying the Issues 11 Trade 11 Existing circulation and surplus stocks 11 Unlawful use and civilian possession of militarystyle weapons 12 The Scope of Current Efforts 13 The United Nations context 13 Regional initiatives 15 The Wassenaar Arrangement 16 Nongovernment...
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  • [PDF Document] SoR-04-Benjamin-Etzold-WEB.pdf   (1.51 MB)

    Flucht Forschung und Transfer StateofResearch Papier 04 Auf der Flucht ImMobilisierung und ImMobilität von Schutzsuchenden Benjamin Etzold Juni 2019 Benjamin Etzold Etzold Benjamin 2019 Auf der Flucht ImMobilisierung und ImMobilität von Schutzsuchenden StateofResearch Papier 04 Verbundprojekt Flucht Forschung und Transfer Osnabrück Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien IMIS der Universität Osnabrück Bonn Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn BICC Juni 2019 Redakti...
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  • [PDF Document] brief6.pdf   (279.93 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN brief 6 Cost of Disarmament An Overview of the Economic Costs of the Dismantlement of Weapons and the Disposal of Military Surplus march 96 brief 6 Contents Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Introduction 5 Nuclear Weapons 6 Disabling Weapons Delivery Systems 6 Disposal of missile propellants 7 Decommissioning of nuclear submarines 7 Dismantling nuclear warheads 8 Converting highly enriched Uran...
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  • [PDF Document] paper37.pdf   (355.94 KB)

    paper 37 Rejuvenating or Restraining Civil War The Role of External Actors in the War Economies of Sudan Rejuvenating or Restraining Civil War The role of external actors in the war economies of Sudan by Scott Lewis Published by BICC Bonn 2004 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911960 Fax 49228241215 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde Rejuvenating or Restraining Civil War Acknowledgements This research pap...
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  • [PDF Document] report1.pdf   (1.28 MB)

    BICC BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN report 1 Conversion and the Integration of Economic and Security Dimensions january 95 contents Zusammenfassung Summary in German 4 Introduction The Imperative of Conversion The rapidity of change which greeted the end of the cold war has put a strain on the successful management of downsizing of 5 Summary Broadening the Focus of Conversion 8 Reallocation of Financial Resources Reorientation of ...
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  • [PDF Document] res_conf_research_paper.pdf   (914.39 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN In Control of Natural Wealth Governing the resourceconflict dynamic R ESEARCH P APER In Control of Natural Wealth Governing the resourceconflict dynamic Research paper in the topic area Resources and Conflicts Projektleitung Dr Volker Franke Autoren Volker Franke Aimée HampelMilagrosa Jolien Schure BICC Dezember 2007 INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION BICC GMBH G...
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  • [PDF Document] securitysector.pdf   (406.14 KB)

    SecuritySector Reform in Developing Countries An Analysis of the International Debate and Potentials for Implementing Reforms with Recommendations for Technical Cooperation October 2000 gtz Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ GmbH Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ GmbH Postfach 5180 65726 Eschborn Federal Republic of Germany Internet httpwwwgtzde Responsible Bernd Hoffmann GTZ Author Dr Herbert Wulf Director Bonn International Cen...
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