
316 search results of „sierra leone“

  • [Page] Way Forward_Panelists

    • John RutaroJohn currently holds the position of Head of Program Development Quality and Strategy at Welthungerhilfe South Sudan Program His current and previous roles focus on resource mobilisation program design monitoring and evaluation and ensuring adherence to humanitarian standards and sector best practicesJohn began his humanitarian career during the last phases of the civil conflict in Sri Lanka in 2009 before moving to Somalia Yemen Uganda Israel Occupied Palestinian Territories then
  • [Page] Way Forward_Panelists

    • John RutaroJohn currently holds the position of Head of Program Development Quality and Strategy at Welthungerhilfe South Sudan Program His current and previous roles focus on resource mobilisation program design monitoring and evaluation and ensuring adherence to humanitarian standards and sector best practicesJohn began his humanitarian career during the last phases of the civil conflict in Sri Lanka in 2009 before moving to Somalia Yemen Uganda Israel Occupied Palestinian Territories then
  • [Publication] Towards a typology of wartime rape

    • BICC brief 43 “Towards a Typology of wartime rape” aims at developing a typology of wartime rape as a first step toward understanding the different consequences of this form of violence in war. This typology is based on the examination of wartime rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina and El Salvador as well on a review of the literature on ten additional country cases of wartime rape (Cambodia, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea/ Bougainville, Peru, Rwanda,
  • [Publication] Towards a typology of wartime rape

    • BICC brief 43 “Towards a Typology of wartime rape” aims at developing a typology of wartime rape as a first step toward understanding the different consequences of this form of violence in war. This typology is based on the examination of wartime rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina and El Salvador as well on a review of the literature on ten additional country cases of wartime rape (Cambodia, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea/ Bougainville, Peru, Rwanda,
  • [PDF Document] BICC_Policy_Brief_4_2019.pdf   (210.65 KB)

    POLICY BRIEF 4 2019 Postwar reintegration and reconciliation Learning from Sierra Leone Elke Grawert BICC Policy recommendations Support the early transformation from Consider noninterference in commua truth and reconciliation process after nity reintegration but facilitate inclusive peace agreements towards the rule of law reintegration for young people The rule of law in Sierra Leone is still not firmly estab In rural Sierra Leone local chiefs organised collective lished after the w...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_II_04-09.pdf   (446.75 KB)

    Sierra Leone Mit Sicherheit eine gute Wahl Eine Zwischenbilanz der demokratischen Friedenskonsolidierung Occasional Paper April 2009 Occasional Paper II Sierra Leone Mit Sicherheit eine gute Wahl Eine Zwischenbilanz der demokratischen Friedenskonsolidierung Helen Radecke BICC April 2009 Contents Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5 1 Einleitung 6 2 Democratic Peacebuilding Entstehung und Entwicklung 8 21 Nach dem Jubiläum der Agenda für den Frieden Bilanzen der PeacebuildingDekade 8 22 Internatio...
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