
BICC Annual Conference 2023

"Autocratic Warfare in the 21st Century"

Autocratic Warfare in the 21st Century

December 13, 2023, Universitätsclub, Konviktstr. 9, 53113 Bonn

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put the topic of 'war' back on the European political agenda. The conference will focus on the role of autocratic states in contemporary violent conflicts, with a particular emphasis on how their political systems influence the way modern warfare is conducted. We will look at the war in Yemen and the Saudi-led military intervention, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the development of Chinese military strategy and future scenarios for conflict escalation over Taiwan.
A central question of the conference will be whether the warfare of autocratic states is an adaptation to Western warfare, facilitated by the proliferation of military technology, or whether it has specific characteristics that differ substantially from the warfare of democratic states, for example, on the issue of violence against civilians in war. The one-day conference, which will include an evening event open to the general public, will bring together national and international experts and decision-makers from academia, politics and administration, international organisations and civil society. The conference language is English, with the exception of the evening event, which will be held in German.

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