Food Security and Conflict

More than two years of drought in the Horn of Africa has resulted in the deaths of over 2.5 million livestock and an acute food crisis that has affected 4.4 million people in Kenya. In rural areas, uncertainty and insecurity are particularly high. This is why Caritas Germany asked bicc to conduct a pilot study on food insecurity and violent conflict in Marsabit County, Kenya.

The objective of our study was twofold: To understand the diverse needs of local communities and to gauge the potential for humanitarian and peacebuilding support to meet these needs and positively transform local conflicts. In November 2022, with the support of Caritas Marsabit and PACIDA, we conducted field research in the Marsabit sub-counties of Saku, North Horr and Laisamis. We combined this with desk research of literature and data on conflict events in the area for a mixed methods approach.

The findings of our research are presented in a report published by bicc in May 2023. The report entitled “Boundary-Making in a Contested Space. Food Security and Conflict Dynamics in Marsabit, Kenya” offers recommendations for policymakers and humanitarian, development and peace practitioners on how to address the interrelations along the humanitarian–development–peace (HDP) nexus. The recommendations were developed following a workshop held in Marsabit town and organised by Caritas with the participation of Kenyan and international stakeholders. The findings of our report were also presented at events with Caritas Germany, including meetings with members of the German Bundestag in Berlin. Additionally, Caritas Germany published a joint publication (“Peace came from the herders”) in August 2023, which summarised the findings and the recommendations for policymakers.



Etzold, B., & Müller-Koné, M.

Viehhirten brachten den Frieden

BICC , Bonn (2024)


Etzold, B., & Müller-Koné, M.

Boundary-Making in a Contested Space. Food Security and Conflict Dynamics in Marsabit, Kenya

bicc , Bonn (2023)


Müller-Koné, M., & Etzold, B.

Peace came from the herders. Supporting peace amidst drought, food insecurity and conflict. Lessons from Marsabit County, Kenya

BICC , Bonn (2023)


Project Team

Marie Müller-Koné

Senior Researcher


Dr Benjamin Etzold

Senior Researcher


Project Partners


Funded By