
Final Conference of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research on "Possibilities and Pitfalls of Global Cooperation: Insights from 12 Years of Interdisciplinary Research"

Dr Zeynep Şahin-Mencütek participated in the Käte  Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research (University of Duisburg–Essen), Final Conference on Possibilities and Pitfalls of Global Cooperation. She was a discussant in the third panel on “Decentring the Global Institutional Order”, together with Nora Stappert, Alena Drieschova, Hande Paker and Fariborz Zelli. This panel focussed on (quasi-) institutional constellations beyond the official global governance architecture. It proposed processual, practice-theoretical or generally micro-level understandings of state and non-state cooperative endeavours that may defy shared understandings of institutionalist theory. Dr Şahin-Mencütek provided inputs on how migration governance interacts with various forms of global order and global cooperation.

Further infromation are available here