Press releases
New publication \ Subversion in cyberspace
In the ifa-publication” Subversion in cypberspace- Security, freedom and resilience against attacks on the net” (in German), the authors Andreas Heinemann-Grüder and Johannes Wiggen investigate current security threats in cyberspace, security discourses in an international comparison and show avenues of how resilience of open societies can be strengthened against subversion from cyberspace.
The technical opportunities in cyberworld have opened up totally new potentials to influence political preferences in other countries. Subversive measures of authoritarian regimes increasingly influence opinions in open societies on the Internet, thus sharply limiting the open space of the Internet. In their study “Subversion in cyberspace: Security, freedom and resilience against attacks” (in German), which was published in German in the edition Culture and Foreign Policy of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen—Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (“Neue Publikation \ Subversion im Cyberraum“ (pdf, in German)