SALW-Guide: Online database on small arms control
- Militarisation and arms control
In 2012 BICC developed upon request of the German Federal Foreign Office (aa) and in co-operation with the Bundeswehr Verification Center (zvbw) an internet-based interactive small arms and light weapons database as a new tool for the verification and control of small arms. This tool was tested by small arms experts in 2013 and presented at various events (f.ex. national small arms symposium and SALW / SAS training course of the ZVBw) to specialists and future users. The further development of the database, planned originally for 2013, had to be postponed to 2014 due to cuts in the Foreign Office's budget. In 2014, the existing application is complemented by detailed information on the recognition and differentiation of common small arm and light weapons ammunition. Furthermore, a comprehensive reporting and printing module is being developed and implemented that, apart from being able to print the entire SALW guide, allows the printout of country-related and weapon-type- or SALW-category-related information. The multi-language character of the guide will be strengthened by its availability not only in English but also in French. A beta-version of the extended SALW guide was again presented at the United Nations in June 2014 on the occasion of the Fifth Biennial Meeting of States of the Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons.