Support to the Research and Knowledge Transfer Office Security Sector Reform (SSR Hub) of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy Hamburg




  • Agents and Patterns of Security and War

The Research and Knowledge Transfer Office Security Sector Reform (SSR-Hub) is a joint project of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH). The project’s purpose is to provide scientific knowledge to the German government to further advance SSR training and project implementation, building on the inter-ministerial strategy to support SSR in the context of crisis prevention, conflict management and peacebuilding. BICC supports the SSR-Hub by providing technical expertise on disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) as well as specific regional/country contexts.  
The SSR-Hub is interlinked with other science hubs embedded in the German Federal Foreign Office: the Research and Knowledge Transfer Hub for Rule of Law Promotion (RSF Hub) of FU Berlin and the Mediation Hub which is run by the Center for Peace Mediation at the European University Viadrina. As interfaces between science and political practice, the hubs not only offer conceptual and methodological research and in-house training but also promote inter-ministerial exchange and knowledge transfer. BICC supports the work of the hubs in various areas, mostly in the field of training and inter-ministerial cooperation. 

Project Team


  • German Federal Foreign Office

Duration of project

April 2022 – March 2024