Annual Report 2015
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Protracted civil wars, refugee movements and the shortage of natural resources have been central topics in the work of the peace and conflict research institute BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion) in 2014/2015. BICC has also contributed to peacekeeping efforts in the prominent crisis region of the Sahel with its activities around the control of small arms.
The control of small arms is an important topic for BICC. Besides academic research, BICC also provides technical advice. This is why BICC has carried out technical advice on the control of small arms in Mali, Nigeria and Darfur / Sudan in 2014/2015, supporting the German Federal Foreign Office in the framework of the German G7 presidency in its efforts to stabilise the conflict in the greater Sahel region.
In one research project that began in 2015, BICC is studying the framework conditions needed for the voluntary return of refugees into their home countries after protracted civil wars and the role that refugees ought to play in peace processes. In other research projects, the Center is looking into the options of refugees who have been denied a political identity, such as those in Afghanistan or Lebanon.
The future energy supply to the Middle East and North Africa, security practices in Central Asia or the role of conflict sensitive employment in Afghanistan are yet other main foci of BICC’s work. Researchers, practitioners and political decision-makers are all part of BICC’s knowledge circle. “Our work concentrates on generating knowledge that can be applied in the field. With this, we want to impart concrete perspectives of peace and conflict research,” Conrad Schetter concludes on the description of BICC’s main topics shown in this year’s Annual Report.
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BICC Annual report