
Security in Cyprus: Threat perceptions, possible compromises and the role of the EU

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  • English


In this paper, the reader will first find a short description of the history of the Cyprus conflict (Chapter II) and of the Annan Then, as security worries were one of the main reasons for Greek Cypriots to reject the Annan Plan, the security perceptions of Greek and Turkish Cypriots are analysed (Chapter IV and V). These perceptions and possible compromises in the field of security are discussed in Chapter VI. The paper then examines the history of the EU involvement including recent activities of the EU up until August 2005 (Chapter VII). The perceptions and wishes of the Greek and Turkish Cypriots in regard to an EU role in the solution of the conflict are discussed in Chapter XIII. Then, EU policy in respect to the Northern Ireland conflict is briefly analysed in Chapter IX. Last but not least, the policy options of the EU in respect to the Cyprus conflict are discussed and policy recommendations are made in Chapter X.
A main topic of this study is to analyse and discuss the perceptions of the Greek and the Turkish Cypriot communities concerning security as well as their interests in an involvement of the EU. Therefore, to a large extend, the paper is based on interviews with representatives of the political elite and the civil society of both communities.


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Cite as

@techreport{Sommer2005, author = "Jerry Sommer", title = "Security in Cyprus: Threat perceptions, possible compromises and the role of the EU", latexTitle = "Security in Cyprus: Threat perceptions, possible compromises and the role of the EU", publisher = "BICC", number = "44", institution = "BICC", type = "BICC Working paper", year = "2005", address = "Bonn", }


BICC Working paper





