
Professional Career
Already during my studies, my research interest was in the field of security, militarisation and development. In my Master's thesis, I focused on the relationship between society and armed actors and the gender implications of this relationship – and thus examined the media framing of (fighting) women in conflicts using the example of the depiction of Kurdish female fighters in British media. Internships with the German Armed Forces and the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Ethiopia further deepened my understanding of security policy and development policy in practice.
Bewaffnete Konflikte: Milizen und Militärfirmen: Milizen und Militärfirmen: Gegner oder Instrumente staatlicher Gewalt?
transcript , Bielefeld (2023)
OpenWhen the 'War Attitude' persists: How Pro-Government Militias affect Society in the Long Run
BICC , Bonn (2023)
OpenGender-Balance, Militarisierung und Gewalt gegen Frauen: Wir benötigen dringend mehr Daten und Forschung!
, 17 Ziele Blog (2023)
OpenWe need to Break with Gender Binarism and Cisnormativity: Towards an Inclusive Feminist Peace and Conflict Research!
BICC , Bonn (2023)