
Professor Dr Herbert Wulf
Professional Career
The government of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, awarded a professorship to Herbert Wulf in 2002.
1966–70: Director of the German Volunteer Service in India
1970–1989: Researcher at the Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler and the Institute for Peace and Security Policy, University of Hamburg.
1989–1992: Project leader at the Stockholm International Peace Research Association (SIPRI). Two years later, he co-founded BICC and shaped the Center’s activities as director for seven years. Since 2001, he has been working as researcher and research associate at BICC as well as adjunct senior researcher at the Institute for Development and Peace, University of Duisburg/Essen. He is co-chair of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation study group on the future of the monopoly of force.
Herbert Wulf has served as a consultant to various international organisations, among them the Parliament and the Commission of the European Union as well as to the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs, the Human Development Report of UNDP. He served as consultant to the United Nations Development Programme in Pyongyang, Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea on capacity building in disarmament in 1991 and between 2002 and 2007. He lectured at the Center for Conflict Studies of the Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany, where he was awarded the price for peace and conflict studies in 2007.
Collaboration with BICC:
He is collaborating with BICC in the project “Monopoly of force 2.0” which is organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation.
Rüstungsdynamiken: Keine Rüstungskooperation ohne europäische Rüstungsexportkontrolle
transcript , Bielefeld (2021)
OpenThe rule of law: Undermined and under attack. Questioning the state monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (Policy Brief No. 105).
Toda Peace Institute , Tokyo (2021)
OpenThe European Union’s security and defence policy: Struggling to find its role in the big power game (Policy Brief No. 88).
Toda Peace Institute , Tokyo (2020)
OpenCommentary \ Exhausts to respirators? Experiences in the conversion of production sites help to avoid misleading simplifications
BICC , Bonn (2020)
OpenSecurity-sector reform in developing Countries. An analysis of the international debate and potentials for implementing reforms with recommendations for technical cooperation.
OpenDisarmament and conflict prevention in development cooperation. Proceedings of an International Conference, 30–31 August 1999
BICC , Bonn (2000)
OpenKonversion - Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Forschung Dokumentation der RWI/BICC-Konferenz am 16. März 1995 in Bonn
BICC , Bonn (1995)
OpenMilitary conversion for social development. Report on BICC panel discussion at the World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, 8 March 1995
BICC , Bonn (1995)