
PhD Lucy Willy Massoi

PhD Lucy Willy Massoi

Associate Researcher

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Research Topics / Key Expertise

Resource governance, climate change, food security, land issues and gender in pastoral societies, with a focus on rural Africa and resource conflicts

Countries Of Expertise

  • Tanzania

Professional Career

Lucy Willy Massoi holds an advanced diploma in public administration from the Institute of Development Management–Mzumbe and a masters degree in philopsophy in public administration and organisation theory at the University of Bergen. She has a PhD in political sciences from the University of Gent. She has over two decades of experience in teaching public administration, governance and strategic leadership, change management, human resources management and organisation theory. She has contributed to policy formulation in areas of natural resource conflicts, climate change and gender issues in pastoral communities.

Collaboration with bicc:

She is collaborating with BICC in the framework of the research project BO3 “Future Rural Africa” (funded by the German Research Foundation–DFG), a collaborative project which explores the violent side of future-making in East and southern Africa.