
Dr Oksana Koshulko


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Professional Career

Oksana Koshulko is a social scientist and economist. She holds a MA in Economy and Society from Lancaster University and a PhD in Economic Sciences. She is an expert in Migration and Refugee Studies, focusing on Ukrainian labour migration and forced displacement. 

Her research at bicc focuses about Ukrainian war refugees in Poland, Moldova and Germany, and on internally displaced persons in Ukraine in the framework of the RE-MIG project. 

In 2024, Koshulko became the editor of the edited book ‘Humanity and Ukraine: Resistance Through Language, Culture, and the Taking Up of Arms,’ to be published by Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, United States in late 2024. For this, she invited eminent experts in the field from the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania, Germany and Ukraine to explore the situation in Ukraine during Russia’s war on Ukraine. 

Koshulko has received several scientific awards from international academic funds at several universities in Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Italy, Denmark, Turkey, and Canada for her research. The recent Polish Iwan Wyhowski Award 2024 under the patronage of the President of Poland from the University of Warsaw, will allow her to conduct research in Poland within the RE-MIG project, thus deepening the cooperation between bicc, the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish universities.