
Event \ Afghanistan - How can peace be made?

20 years after the Petersberg Agreement, this online discussion on 21 September 2021 will take stock and look ahead.

What are the prospects for security and peace for the people of Afghanistan in 2021? What lessons should the international community learn to support the peace process after the withdrawal of international troops?  
These and other questions will be discussed by Theresa Breitmaier, Berghof Foundation, Katja Mielke, BICC, Winfried Nachtwei, DGVN, and Dr Yahya Wardak, Bonn/Kabul doctor, AFGHANIC e.V.. Christoph Bongard, Platform for Civil Conflict Transformation, will moderate the event. 
The online event on 21 September 2021, 18:00-19:30 hrs., is organised by BICC, the German United Nations Association NRW (DGVN NRW e.V.), the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and the Platform for Civil Conflict Transformation in the framework of the Bonn UN Peace Days