Press releases

Launch of the 'Report Globale Flucht'

On 26 April 2023, the Report Globale Flucht (report on global forced displacement) will be published for the first time by S. Fischer Verlag. The publication series will now be published annually by the joint project 'Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT)'. The first issue focuses on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the forced displacement it triggered.

The FFVT project team presented the Report Globale Flucht (in German) at a media breakfast in Berlin on 25 April 2023. Further information on the publication can be found on the website of the FFVT project and in the FFVT press release: „Report Globale Flucht« erscheint morgen im S. Fischer Verlag – Ein umfassender Blick auf Flucht, Konflikte und internationalen Schutz“ (pdf, in German).
Reading sample (in German)