Press releases
New publication \ „Prävention ist keine ‚Eintagsfliege‘
In BICC’s recent Working Paper (in German), the authors Maurice Döring, Tim Röing und Marc von Boemcken deal with the challenges and needs of preventing Islamist radicalisation from a local perspective in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Prevention against Islamist radicalisation is still an important policy field in North Rhine-Westphalia. But what is the current state of affairs from the perspective of those who work in prevention locally? Where do local advisors on prevention, teachers, social workers, representatives of local authorities and police officers currently identify the greatest challenges? What contribution can they make in their field of work to prevent Islamist radicalisation? What requirements do they have in this respect? What is needed for effective prevention? An what does the term ‘prevention’ actually mean?
These questions lie at the heart of BICC Working Paper 2\2020 “Prävention ist keine ‚Eintagsfliege‘ - Herausforderungen und Bedarfe der Prävention islamistischer Radikalisierung aus lokaler Perspektive in Nordrhein-Westfalen“ (Prevention is not a ‘flash in the pan’ - Challenges and needs of preventing Islamist radicalisation from a local perspective in North Rhine-Westphalia - in German only).
In BICC Policy Brief 2\2020 “Prävention extremistischer Radikalisierung in NRW. Keine Vereinnahmung Sozialer Arbeit durch Sicherheitslogik!“ (Preventing extremist radicalisation in NRW - No appropriation of social work by securitarian thinking! - in German only), as a follow up of their research, the authors Maurice Döring, Alina Neitzert, Tim Röing and Marc von Boemcken offer the following recommendations:
\ Funding agencies must clearly separate prevention from social work.
\ Funding agencies and agencies involved in developing projects must clearly define the scope of radicalisation prevention.
\ Municipalities and the state must strengthen social work with young people, provide it with more financial resources and secure its regulatory structures.
\ Radicalisation prevention must look beyond extremist Salafism.
Press release “Prävention ist keine ‚Eintagsfliege‘“ (pdf, In German)
These questions lie at the heart of BICC Working Paper 2\2020 “Prävention ist keine ‚Eintagsfliege‘ - Herausforderungen und Bedarfe der Prävention islamistischer Radikalisierung aus lokaler Perspektive in Nordrhein-Westfalen“ (Prevention is not a ‘flash in the pan’ - Challenges and needs of preventing Islamist radicalisation from a local perspective in North Rhine-Westphalia - in German only).
In BICC Policy Brief 2\2020 “Prävention extremistischer Radikalisierung in NRW. Keine Vereinnahmung Sozialer Arbeit durch Sicherheitslogik!“ (Preventing extremist radicalisation in NRW - No appropriation of social work by securitarian thinking! - in German only), as a follow up of their research, the authors Maurice Döring, Alina Neitzert, Tim Röing and Marc von Boemcken offer the following recommendations:
\ Funding agencies must clearly separate prevention from social work.
\ Funding agencies and agencies involved in developing projects must clearly define the scope of radicalisation prevention.
\ Municipalities and the state must strengthen social work with young people, provide it with more financial resources and secure its regulatory structures.
\ Radicalisation prevention must look beyond extremist Salafism.
Press release “Prävention ist keine ‚Eintagsfliege‘“ (pdf, In German)