Press releases

Statement by the editors of the Peace Report / After the failure in Afghanistan: Lessons learned for the new German federal government

The leading German peace research institutes made a public statement addressed to the future German government and the Bundestag in which they summed up the twenty-year mission of the German armed forces, analysing the mistakes made and giving clear recommendations for action.

The new government will have to learn lessons from the resounding failure of the West in the Hindu Kush. Germany’s leading peace research institutes that publish the renowned Peace Report once a year, have made a public statement today. In a joint special statement, the leaders of the Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC), the Leibniz Institute Hessian Foundation for Peace and Conflict Research, the Institute for Peace and Conflict Research at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) at the University of Duisburg-Essen give their views on the mission in Afghanistan. Which factors have led to its ultimate failure despite some considerable successes on the way? And which lessons for future foreign missions can the new German government learn from this?
Statement "Nach dem Scheitern in Afghanistan: Lehren für die neue Bundesregierung" (pdf, in German)
Press release "Stellungnahme der Herausgeber:innen des Friedensgutachtens / Nach dem Scheitern in Afghanistan: Lehren für die neue  Bundesregierung" (pdf, in German)