DIASPEACE—Diaspora for Peace: Patterns, trends and potentials of long-distance diaspora involvement in conflict settings. Case studies from the Horn of Africa




  • Migration and Forced Displacement

The perception of migrants in the European Union has changed considerably in recent years. Increasing attention is now being focused on the complex political, social and cultural involvement of migrants from crisis regions in peace and development processes in their countries of origin. BICC is taking part in the multi-year international EU research project “Diasporas for Peace: Patterns, Trends and Potential of Long-distance Diaspora Involvement in Conflict Settings (DIASPEACE)”, which sets out to establish new findings on diaspora activities both in the countries of origin and receiving countries as well as on a transnational level.

Project Leader

  • Peter J. Croll

Project Team

  • Andrea Warnecke


  • 7th EU Research Framework Programme

Duration of project

until 2011


bicc Knowledge notes

Warnecke, A., & Schmitz-Pranghe, C.

Diasporas and peace: A comparative assessment of Somali and Ethiopian communities in Europe

BICC , Bonn (2010)

bicc Annual report

Annual Report 2008

bicc , Bonn (2008)
