Security, armaments and development in recipient countries of German arms exports




  • Militarisation and arms control

With a database accessible at, BICC examines how 170 countries meet the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports. The database also supplies basic data on armaments, the military and the security sector of key recipient countries of German military goods. The aim of BICC's database project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is to expand the base of available information relevant to a discussion on German arms exports.

Project Leader

  • Dr. Jan Grebe

Project Team


  • Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung - BMZ)

Duration of project

since 2002


bicc Annual report

Annual Report 2006

bicc , Bonn (2006)
