Participation in Fatal Transactions (FT) network, lobby and education work on resources and conflicts – German leader of network




  • Violent Environments and Infrastructures

In the framework of the European Fatal Transactions network, a BICC team travelled to Cote d'Ivoire to conduct field research. The focus of the research was the question how natural resources influence the transition from war to peace. For this purpose, the project team interviewed government and company representatives, members of civil society and international organizations, a group of peasants as well as members of the rebel movement Force Nouvelles and other militia groups.

Project Leader

  • Wolf-Christian Paes

Project Team


  • European Commission

Duration of project

until 2009


bicc Annual report

Annual Report 2009

bicc , Bonn (2009)

bicc Knowledge notes

Guesnet, L., & Müller-Koné, M., & Schure, J.

Natural resources in Côte d’Ivoire: Fostering crisis or peace? The cocoa, diamond, gold and oil sectors

BICC , Bonn (2009)
