Project B03: Violent Futures? Contestations along the frontier




  • Violent Environments and Infrastructures

This research project, which is a Sub-Project of the CRC „Rural Future Africa”, examines the violent side of future-making in East and Southern Africa. It asks whether and how the social–ecological transformations which the overall CRC investigates, namely intensification of land use and conservation, change existing forms of organized violence or create new patterns of violence.
Both transformations will be studied under the conceptual lens of frontiers. In the first phase of the CRC, this sub-project studies northern Kenya, where the government’s ‘Vision 2030’ foresees large-scale investments (LAPSSET) and a social–ecological transformation in a region that has a long history of armed violence, attributed to diverse causes ranging from resource scarcity over warrior traditions to political contest.

Project Leader

Project Team


  • DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Duration of project

since April 2018


Book chapter

Owino, E., & Mkutu, K., & Enns, C.

Large Infrastructure Projects and Cascading Land Grabs

Routledge , London (2023)

Journal Article

Greiner, C., & Klagge, B., & Owino, E.

The political ecology of geothermal development: Green sacrifice zones or energy landscapes of value?


Journal Article

Mkutu, K.

The Frontier on the Doorstep: Development and Conflict Dynamics in the Southern Rangelands of Kenya

Taylor & Francis (2023)

Journal Article

Mkutu, K.

Anticipation and contestation along the lapsset infrastructure corridor in Kenya


Journal Article

Schetter, C., & Mkutu, K., & Müller-Koné, M.

Frontier NGOs: Conservancies, control, and violence in northern Kenya


Journal Article

Schetter, C., & Müller-Koné, M.

Frontiers’ violence: The interplay of state of exception, frontier habitus, and organized violence


Journal Article

Kalvelage, L., & Bollig, M., & Grawert, E., & Hulke, C., & Meyer, R., & Mkutu, K., & Müller-Koné, M., & Diez, J.

Territorialising Conservation: Community-based Approaches in Kenya and Namibia


Journal Article

Mkutu, K., & Müller-Koné, M., & Owino, E.

Future visions, present conflicts: the ethnicized politics of anticipation surrounding an infrastructure corridor in northern Kenya


Book chapter

Schetter, C., & Müller-Koné, M.

Frontier - ein Gegenbegriff zur Grenze?

Nomos , Baden-Baden (2021)

bicc Working paper

Mkutu, K.

Pastoralists, politics and development projects. Unterstanding the layers of armed conflict in Isiolo county, Kenya

BICC , Bonn (2019)

Journal Article

Müller-Koné, M., & Grawert, E., & Schetter, C.

Zwischen Naturschutz und Gewaltkonflikten: Conservancies in Nordkenia

Westermann (2020)
