Marie Müller-Koné
Professional Career
In her position as researcher with bicc, Marie’s research interests have shifted from grievances in the context of large-scale and small-scale mining and oil extraction projects and the governance of resource extraction in Africa to the politics of land and political contestation and human-nature-relations and socioecological transformation more broadly.
She was centrally involved in the acquiring of funds for the project B03 - “Violent futures? Contestations along the frontier” that is currently running in its second 4-year-phase as part of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center “Future Rural Africa”. Her doctoral research at the University of Bonn (Prof. Conrad Schetter) and University of Cologne (Prof. Michael Bollig) is placed in that context. As a result of her co-authored publications in the same context, Marie gained the position of Senior Researcher in September 2022.
In November 2022, she was responsible for the conceptual design of the annual bicc Conference on “Infrastructural power at global frontiers: prospects for conflict and peace” (bicc Press/Events/Documentation of BICC Conference 2022 \ Infrastructural power at global...)
Marie started her career as a research assistant, and later, researcher in the field of natural resources and conflict at bicc and led a research project on “Artisanal miners in developing countries—DR Congo and Peru" which investigated the limits and possibilities of certification initiatives aimed at “conflict-free” or “fair” minerals. As International Coordinator of the Fatal Transactions network of European research institutes and NGOs, she was an observer to the Kimberley Process for the certification of rough diamonds.
Before her work at bicc, she had gained experience in the field of international development cooperation and African studies (BMZ, GIGA, GIZ Germany and GIZ Côte d’Ivoire, Inwent).
Frontier dynamics: Cross-cutting ties, conflict and contestation on agricultural and conservation hinterlands of Lake Naivasha
Brill , Leiden (2024)
OpenFuture visions, present conflicts: the ethnicized politics of anticipation surrounding an infrastructure corridor in northern Kenya
OpenFrontiers’ violence: The interplay of state of exception, frontier habitus, and organized violence
OpenFlucht und Binnenvertreibung in Asien: Ansatzpunkte für und Grenzen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
BICC , Bonn (2017)
OpenDébrouillardise: certifying ‘conflict-free’ minerals in a context of regulatory pluralism in South Kivu, DR Congo
OpenNo rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC
BICC , Bonn (2015)
OpenHow to enforce due diligence? Making EU-legislation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ effective
BICC , Bonn (2015)
OpenForging war or peace? The role of the state in extractive economies of Sub-Saharan Africa
Springer , Cham, Switzerland (2015)
OpenRevenue transparency to mitigate the resource curse in the Niger Delta? Potential and reality of NEITI
BICC , Bonn (2010)
OpenNatural resources in Côte d’Ivoire: Fostering crisis or peace? The cocoa, diamond, gold and oil sectors
BICC , Bonn (2009)