Security, armaments and development in recipient countries of German arms exports




  • Militarisation and arms control

BICC has been receiving funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for research and consultancy on arms exports, militarisation and development in recipient countries of German arms exports since 2002. The project consists of five major components:

  1. In the framework of this project, BICC compiles and updates a database ( on data concerning the military sector, overall security environment, human rights situation and governance in all together 173 countries, based on the criteria spelled out in the EU's Common Position for Arms Exports.
  2. The BMZ, in particular, supports the generation and update of country and regional portraits of select recipient countries of German arms exports or regions undergoing special dynamics of military buildup. The portraits complement the database by depicting the situation in the respective countries or regions more closely and providing more detailed information.
  3. The data compiled in the database and the country portraits further feed an interactive map that visualises the correspondence to the eight criteria of the EU’s common position on arms exports. Together, the database, the country and regional portraits as well as the interactive map, serve as a guidance for decision-makers and as critical source of information for academia and the broader public.
  4. Besides these tools to support decision making and foster public discourse on German arms exports, the BMZ provides funding for research on global militarisation and problems of arms control. Via the Global Militarisation Index, BICC objectively depicts worldwide militarisation by measuring the allocation of resources within a state. The GMI thereby shows the relative weight and importance of the military apparatus of that state in relation to its society as a whole. It represents one of the central elements of BICC’s academic research on arms exports and the armament–development nexus.
  5. Within the new funding period (2021–2024), the portfolio will be extended by the new format of the thematic reports. These reports focus on upcoming problems at the interface between development policy and arms control. Based on field research in recipient countries, the thematic reports provide a solid basis for consultancy to address these challenges ahead.

Project Team


  • BMZ

Duration of project

since 2002


Other publications

Wilshusen, F., & Bayer, M.

Upcoming elections in Sierra Leone – a relapse to violence?


Other publications

Wilshusen, F.

When the 'War Attitude' persists: How Pro-Government Militias affect Society in the Long Run

BICC , Bonn (2023)

bicc Policy brief

Acharya, N., & Bayer, M., & Breitung, C., & Mutschler, M., & Wagner, K.

Kleinwaffengrundsätze in einem Rüstungsexportkontrollgesetz verankern! Den kompletten Produktzyklus von Kleinwaffen von Produktion bis Vernichtung einbeziehen

BICC , Bonn (2022)

Other publications

Wilshusen, F.

Today’s solution, tomorrow’s problem? An analysis of West African practices in the use of pro-government militias.

BICC , Bonn (2022)

bicc Working paper

Bayer, M., & Alberth, R., & Hauk, S., & Mutschler, M.

Global Militarisation Index: Presentation, Codebook and reflexion

BICC , Bonn (2021)

bicc Global Militarization Index

Bayer, M., & Rohleder, P.

Global Militarisation Index 2022

bicc , Bonn (2022)

bicc Global Militarization Index

Bayer, M.

Global Militarisation Index 2021

bicc , Bonn (2022)

bicc Global Militarization Index

Mutschler, M., & Bales, M.

Global Militarisation Index 2020

bicc , Bonn (2020)

bicc Global Militarization Index

Mutschler, M., & Bales, M.

Global Militarisation Index 2019

bicc , Bonn (2020)

bicc Global Militarization Index

Mutschler, M., & Bales, M.

Global Militarisation Index 2018

bicc , Bonn (2018)

bicc Global Militarization Index

Mutschler, M.

Global Militarization Index 2017

bicc , Bonn (2017)

bicc Global Militarization Index

Mutschler, M.

Global Militarization Index 2016

bicc , Bonn (2016)
