
Protracted Displacement for Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Future Intentions.

  • Fawwaz  Momani
  • Al  Yakoub
  • Sarah  Tobin
  • Are  Knudsen
  • Benjamin  Etzold
  • Rasheed  Al-Jarrah

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  • English


After nearly a decade of protracted displacement for Syrian refugees in Jordan, this paper aims to investigate the conditions of Syrians who lives in limbo and the livelihood (in)security and immobility. This study was conducted in Irbid city, which according to the UNHCR hosts the third highest number of refugees after the capital Amman and Al-Mafraq. The study is based on qualitative approach by conducting 20 semi-structured interviews with persons who experience protracted displacement themselves. The main finding of the study is that most Syrians are facing difficulties due to aid decline and due to the increasing life expenditures in Jordan in general. Other findings related to education revealed that most of the participants' children have access to public schools and schools for Syrians, while on the other hand, some of them prefer private schools. The participants have access to medical and health services in general; however, some of them reported that they have to pay the cost of the treatment due to lack of aid support to medical treatment and/or pressure on the aided services. One of the key findings of this study when the participants were asked about their future plans after having been displaced for a long time in Jordan is that the vast majority of them have no intention to return back to Syria, as they are pessimistic about security and living conditions. Furthermore, few participants indicated their intention to stay in Jordan as their primary choice, while others were hoping to be displaced to one of the European countries or Canada aiming to have more educational and medical services and for better life condition in general.

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@article{MomaniYakoubTobin2024, author = "Fawwaz Momani and Al Yakoub and Sarah Tobin and Are Knudsen and Benjamin Etzold and Rasheed Al-Jarrah", title = "Protracted Displacement for Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Future Intentions.", latexTitle = "Protracted Displacement for Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Future Intentions.", booktitle = "Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences", type = "Journal article", pages = "237-248", year = "2024", }


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Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences