
Conflict-sensitive employment framework (CSEF) for construction and transport companies.

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  • English


When companies operate in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS), they encounter a range of particular problems. Many companies try to protect staff, premises and ­machinery by hiring security guards. Armed guards ­escort convoys of trucks. Expenditures for security ­measures can be quite high. Moreover, security ­guards and secured transports often become targets ­of attacks.
A few construction and transport companies in ­Afghanistan have developed strategies to mitigate ­these risks by negotiating with local elders, district ­development assemblies and local power holders ­about the planned construction projects or regularly ­passing trucks. Agreements involve fulfilment of ­certain conditions that create tangible benefits for ­the local population, such as jobs in construction, use ­of local workshops and restaurants by drivers, some-­times erecting a building needed in a community ­with local labour. In return, the local leaders guarantee the protection of construction projects and safety ­on routes passing the community from attacks and ­sabotage.­
In their jointly published paper “Conflict-Sensitive Employment Framework (CSEF) for construction and transport companies” BICC and TLO analyze these experiences worth spreading among ­construction and transport companies operating ­in Afghanistan and other FCAS.­


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@misc{GrawertIsikozluMurtazaHaqeeqat2017, author = "Elke Grawert and Elvan Isikozlu and Mohammad Murtaza Haqeeqat and Fazalrabi Shirzad", title = "Conflict-sensitive employment framework (CSEF) for construction and transport companies.", latexTitle = "Conflict-sensitive employment framework (CSEF) for construction and transport companies.", publisher = "BICC", institution = "BICC", type = "Other publications", year = "2017", address = "Bonn", }


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