
Nikkie Wiegink

Nikkie Wiegink

Associate Researcher

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00249 12772 8827 (Sudan)

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Research Topics / Key Expertise

Nikkie Wiegink’s fields of expertise include the anthropology of conflict and post-conflict, veterans/ex-combatants issues and disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR).

Countries Of Expertise

  • Mozambique,
  • Sudan,
  • Zimbabwe,
  • Peru

Professional Career

Nikkie Wiegink holds a Bsc in Cultural Anthropology (Utrecht University), an MA in Conflict Studies and Human Rights (Centre for Conflict Studies, Utrecht University) and a PhD in Cultural Anthropology (Utrecht University), completed in 2014.
Nikkie Wiegink’s PhD research focussed on the life trajectories of former RENAMO combatants for which she conducted fourteen months of fieldwork in central Mozambique. She currently works in Sudan as a capacity development consultant for BICC.
Association with BICC:
Between 2013 and 2015, she has been collaborating with BICC in the context of the capacity development and technical advice project for the Sudan DDR Commission (SDDRC), funded by the German Foreign Office, that focussed on civilian arms registration and marking in West Darfur.


Other publications

Acharya, N., & Wiegink, N., & Idriss, S.

Civilian arms registration and marking handbook.

BICC , Bonn (2015)
