Annual Report 2020
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Restricted by the pandemic, BICC staff still continued their empirical research in regions characterised by forced displacement, volatile, violent conflicts and arms proliferation. BICC’s Annual Report illustrates the unique expertise of BICC: Research and policy advice that put the perspective of affected people in focus.
The Essay in the Annual Report, for instance, addresses the extent to which refugees who have fled war and violence and other migrants are affected by the pandemic.
In 2020, BICC's research also placed great emphasis on forced displacement. At the same time, it looked into the dynamics of violent conflict and its actors. However, BICC researchers not only look at the conflict situations in the Sahel, the Middle East or Nagorno-Karabakh but also at society in Germany. The Annual Report 2020 also presents projects that deal with the polarisation of society in Germany and tendencies of radicalisation, such as through violent Salafism or extreme right-wing groups.
Yet another focus of the BICC Annual Report is our work in small arms and light weapons control. In many African countries, the escalation of violence and the increase in terrorist acts are closely linked to the cross-border proliferation of such weapons. BICC Experts support the African Union and other regional organisations there in developing strategies and processes for future small arms and light weapons control.
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BICC Annual report