
Begründungspflicht statt laissez faire – Empfehlungen an die neue Bundesregierung für eine Reform der deutschen Rüstungsexportpolitik

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  • English


The grand coalition that had governed Germany until September 2017 had initiated some change, particularly as regards transparency, small arms and end-use control in German arms exports policy. In BICC Policy Brief 7/2017 “Obligation to state reasons instead of laissez-faire—Recommendations to the new government regarding a reform of the German arms exports policy”, the authors Max M. Mutschler and Marius Bales illustrate using figures and examples that this is not enough. If the new government is indeed intending to implement a more restrictive arms exports policy, it will have to change its authorization practice.

The authors recommend the following:

\ The obligation to state reasons must lie with those advocating arms exports.
\ Prohibit the granting of licenses for the production of German arms to non-EU-member countries.
\ It must become easier to revoke already granted licenses.
\ European arms cooperation must not be misused to justify arms exports to problematic recipient    countries.
\ Appointment of a commission to elaborate a law on arms exports control.


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@techreport{MutschlerBales2017, author = "Max Mutschler and Marius Bales", title = "Begründungspflicht statt laissez faire – Empfehlungen an die neue Bundesregierung für eine Reform der deutschen Rüstungsexportpolitik", latexTitle = "Begr{'u}ndungspflicht statt laissez faire – Empfehlungen an die neue Bundesregierung f{'u}r eine Reform der deutschen R{'u}stungsexportpolitik", publisher = "bicc", number = "7", institution = "bicc", type = "BICC Policy brief", year = "2017", address = "Bonn", }


BICC Policy brief



