
Dr Boubacar Haidara

Dr Boubacar Haidara

Senior Researcher

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Research Profile

Boubacar Haidara's research focuses on the articulation of linkages between political and Islamic actors, the emergence of jihadism in northern Mali and its spread to central Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, and the inter-community conflicts that have ensued. He is also a research associate at the ‘Les Afriques dans le Monde' (LAM) laboratory of science po Bordeaux, and before joining BICC was a lecturer at the University of Segou in Mali (since 2018). Boubacar is the author of numerous writings, journal articles, book chapters, and outreach articles on socio-political, peace and security, and public policy issues.

Research Topics / Key Expertise

Islamism and jihadism

Crises and stabilisation processes

Peace and security

Inter-community conflicts

History of Islam in Africa

Sociology of religion

Islam and politics

Islamic movements

Countries Of Expertise

  • Mali,
  • Burkina Faso,
  • Niger

Professional Career

Before joining bicc, Boubacar Haidara taught at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ségou (Mali) (2018-2022). He has also carried out a number of research missions for several institutions: World Bank Group, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Clingendael Institute, etc.

Boubacar holds a PhD in political science & political geography, University Bordeaux Montaigne and laboratory ‘’Les Afriques dans le Monde’’ (LAM), Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux, France (2015), a Master’s in International Management, Paris School of Tourism & Communication, Paris, France (2012) and a Master’s in Geopolitics, University of Paris Sorbonne-Paris 4, Paris, France (2010). He did his Bachelor's in Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Clermont-Ferrand II, France, in 2008.

Important Publications

Haidara, B.

The private military company Wagner, the instrument of a proxy war by Russia against France in its African 'pre-square'?

David Reinharc Éditions , Paris (2022)


Haidara, B., & Tounkara, M.

Intercommunity conflicts in central Mali: genesis, and proposals for ending the crisis

L'Harmattan , Paris (2021)


Haidara, B.

The Political Use of Islam in Mali



Haidara, B., & Tounkara, M.

International and local researchers facing security challenges: in what forms can research still be done in northern Mali



Haidara, B.

The impact of school closures on students in Mali

Academia , Louvain-la-Neuve (2022)



Meininghaus, E., & Bolaños Suárez, R., & Haidara, B., & Kemmerling, B., & Müller-Koné, M., & Al-Khalil, A., & Al-Khadhra, R., & Behrens, M., & Eichmann, F., & Grosz-Ngaté, M., & Halfpap, F., & Hansen, R., & Hoerz, T., & Karagnara, D., & James, S., & Rivas, A., & Sow, A., & Toyka, R.

How to Decolonise the Humanitarian–Development–Peace Nexus?

bicc , Bonn (2024)


Haidara, B.

Spotlight on Humanitarian–Development–Peace Nexus Implementation in Mali

BICC , Bonn (2024)


Müller-Koné, M., & Meininghaus, E., & Kemmerling, B., & Haidara, B.

How can the HDP Nexus Work from the Bottom Up?

bicc , Bonn (2024)


Haidara, B.

The Spread of Jihadism in the Sahel. Part 2



Schetter, C., & Haidara, B., & Meininghaus, E., & Yildirim-Schlüsing, C., & Debiel, T., & Dombrowski, S., & Noesselt, N., & Radtke, K., & Saalfeld, J., & Schmitz, J., & Weller, D., & Vüllers, J.

Nachhaltiger Frieden: Verwundbarkeit und Resilienz im Zeichen multipler Krisen

transcript , Bielefeld (2023)


Schetter, C., & Bayer, M., & Wilshusen, F., & von Boemcken, M., & Heinemann-Grüder, A., & Haidara, B.

Bewaffnete Konflikte: Milizen und Militärfirmen: Milizen und Militärfirmen: Gegner oder Instrumente staatlicher Gewalt?

transcript , Bielefeld (2023)


Breitung, C., & Berks, M., & Haidara, B., & Oginni, O.

Coup in Niger: Why Military Interventions are Doomed to Fail

bicc , Bonn (2023)


Haidara, B.

Sahelzone: Die Ernährungssicherheit in den unsicheren Gebieten ist gefährdet.

, 17 Ziele Blog (2022)


Haidara, B.

The private military company Wagner, the instrument of a proxy war by Russia against France in its African 'pre-square'?

David Reinharc Éditions , Paris (2022)


Haidara, B.

The impact of school closures on students in Mali

Academia , Louvain-la-Neuve (2022)


Haidara, B., & Tounkara, M.

Intercommunity conflicts in central Mali: genesis, and proposals for ending the crisis

L'Harmattan , Paris (2021)


Haidara, B., & Tounkara, M.

International and local researchers facing security challenges: in what forms can research still be done in northern Mali



Haidara, B.

The Political Use of Islam in Mali



Grosz-Ngaté, M., & Haidara, B.

Introduction to Special Issue on ‘’Armed Conflict and Insecurity in the West African Sahel: Challenges and Implications for Research and Education



Haidara, B.

The socioeconomic Impact of Covid-19 response measures in the precariousness of the population in Mali

